Executive Council - Emerging Leaders
The Emerging Leader position on the Executive Council, formerly known as the Youth Representative position, was created through Resolution 99-08: Central Council General Assembly Youth Representative, which passed in 1999, to enhance the leadership skills of our tribal youth. The position provides young adults with opportunities to acquire important knowledge about Tlingit & Haida, its processes and organizational structure, and valuable hands-on leadership experience.
The Executive Council officially changed the Youth Representative title to Emerging Leader during their June 2015 meeting. As an Emerging Leader, he/she has all rights of attendance at all Executive Council meetings but does not have voting privileges. He/she may speak on any business that is before the Executive Council.
Elections for Tlingit & Haida's Emerging Leader occur annually during Tribal Assembly.
Emerging Leaders
- Randy Estrin (2024)
- Lauryn Framke (2023)
- Marlis Boord (2022)
- Jalen Ketah (2021)
- Simon Friday (2020)
- Shawaan Jackson-Gamble (2019)
- Stephanie Masterman of Washington (2018)
- Keenan C. B. Sanderson of Ketchikan (2017)
- Miciana Hutcherson of Washington (2016)
- Marina Anderson of Kasaan (2015)
Youth Representatives
- Brandon Mayer of Washington (2014)
- Konrad Frank of Angoon (2013)
- Rick Tagaban of Juneau (2012)
- Shawn Eby of Sitka (2011)
- Megan Gregory of Kake (2010)
- Kevin Skeek of Hoonah (2009)
- Ralph Wolfe of Craig (2008)
- Aurora Lehr of Washington (2007)
- Krista Lamp of Anchorage (2006)
- Jordan Skan of Ketchikan (2005)
- Samuel Howard Hamilton of Washington (2004)
- Walter Hotch Hill of Sitka (2003)
- Cheryl Dewitt of Saxman (2002)
- Walter Victor Hill of Sitka (2001)
- Lily Tuzroyluke of Anchorage (2000)
- Raymond Paddock III of Juneau (1999)
- Priscilla Kato of Klawock (1998)
- Nels Lawson Jr. of Sitka (1997)
- Jamie Timothy of Juneau (1996)
- Debra Lekanof of Yakutat (1995)
- Dennis Gray Jr. of Hoonah (1994)
Emerging Leader Application
Youth Commission
Other Youth Representative Opportunities