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Environmental - State & Tribal Response Program

State & Tribal Response Program (STRP)

The State & Tribal Response Program (STRP) is a new program in the Native Lands & Resources (NLR) Department. STRP is designed to give tribes funding to identify, inventory, assess, and develop a plan responding to potentially contaminated sites (land or water) that are presently too unhealthy for safe usage, but may be used again through rehabilitation.

In the initial implementation of STRP, NLR staff began development of a plan to establish inventories of potentially contaminated sites immediately in or near Auk Kwaan and Taku Kwaan territories.

While beginning this process, Central Council fully recognizes the cultural sensitivity, connection, and belonging that both the Auk Kwaan and Taku Kwaan have to Juneau and its surrounding lands, and is working closely with the Douglas Indian Association to make sure the steps we take to heal the lands in the area is done with the utmost respect. The Tribe’s STRP has a unique vision and approach in comparison to other Environmental Protection Agency funded programs in that the Tribe will draw focus on traditional and cultural knowledge, history, and usage in establishing our inventory.

The highlight of the program may very well be our commitment to involving the youth entirely in the STRP development process. Our youth will gain environmental awareness, value of culture, cooperative learning, work ethic, and public speaking just for starters. Central Council established a youth-led Environmental Youth Leadership Team (EYLT) in mid-November 2010.

It is our hope to expand the program to other schools and communities throughout Southeast Alaska as we continue to establish a strong, positive, and healthy direction for our initial team.

We are excited at the prospects of rehabilitation for lands so important and sacred to our people and to other citizens. Keep your eyes out for developments in the program as it progresses. Our Public records and inventory list are available by request and the ADEC public record may be accessed by clicking here.

For more information please contact Native Lands & Resources | Environmental:
Toll Free: 1.800.344.1432 #7186 | Local: 907.463.7186 | Fax: 907.463.7761