Job Placement & Training
The Job Placement & Training (JPT) program is housed under the Cultural Heritage & Education Division’s Employment & Training (E&T) Department. The JPT program offers tuition assistance for vocational training certification programs and career support services to eligible individuals. It is designed for those who are determined to pursue career paths that lead to financial independence and selfsufficiency
For eligibility requirements, communities served, and the application process, please review the Job Placement & Training section in our Program Profiles booklet. The booklet may be accessed by clicking here.
To apply for training through this program, individuals must complete the Application for Training: Application for Training.
Training participants will be required to submit monthly Training Evaluation & Attendance forms which can be downloaded by clicking here.
Interested in learning more about distance learning or career and technical training opoportunities? Visit the Generations Southeast Community Learning Center website.
For more information, please contact E&T | Job Placement & Training:
Toll Free: 1.800.344.1432 ext. 7333 | Local: 907.463.7333 | Fax: 1.888.965.9102